Welcome to the Advanced Perio Hygiene Lecture Series

Our mission is to provide a collaborative learning experience for hygienists and dental professionals to enrich their knowledge and clinical skills in the areas of periodontal and implant therapy. This series provides an ongoing professional educational opportunity through a wide range of presenters and topics. We endeavour to offer lectures in Kelowna and Vernon two to three times per year.

To have your name added to our email list and learn about the lectures we have planned, or to ask questions please email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you.


February 2020
Hands-on VELscope: Because Screening is Critical

In this Hands-On course participants reviewed the extraoral and intraoral examination and worked directly with the VELscope, recognized by the World Health Organization as a key tool to address the rise of HPV-related cancer.

June 2019
Oral Cancer Screening for Today’s Population – Jo-Anne Jones presenting

This lecture discussed the escalating profile of oral and oropharyngeal cancers related to HPV (Human papillomavirus).  By the year 2020, HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer is expected to be the leading HPV-related cancer surpassing cervical cancer. Jo-Anne provided excellent information to be taken back to clinical practice.

November 2018
Surgical and Non-Surgical Tx and Mgmt of Soft Tissues and Caries – Karen Treadgold (Oral Science) and Dr. Tymkiw presenting

This lectures discussed mechanisms and techniques that will increase the success of non-surgical and surgical therapy. Karen Treadgold presented the latest information on caries reversal and pain management for hard and soft tissues. Dr. Tymkiw rounded-out the evening with case presentations on complimentary surgical therapy.

May 2018
The Nutrition Position: Oral/Systemic Health Impact – Susan Woodley (Philips Oral Care) presenting

This course provided awareness for dental professionals about optimal nutrition and its impact on oral and systemic diseases. It addressed the following: As dental professionals we have the opportunity to educate, advocate and encourage clients/patients to implement healthy lifestyles relative to nutrition and oral health. By providing nutritional counselling during a dental appointment, we are expanding the scope of dental treatment beyond oral diseases.

March 2018
From e-Cigarettes to Hookahs: Current Trends in Tobacco & Smoking – Carol Jahn (Water Pik) presenting

This course examined the changing trends in tobacco use and how it is impacting oral and systemic health. It addressed the following: Does it seem as though even less people report cigarette smoking that the use of other tobacco products in increasing? Today, more high school students use e-cigarettes than smoke regular cigarettes. Many partake in multiple forms of tobacco including hookahs and smokeless. Flavoured products add to the appeal.

November 2017
Fluoride, Caries Risk Assessment and the Perio Connection – Penny Hatzimanolakis (UBC) presenting

Dental caries is the most common oral disease seen in dentistry and is of the utmost importance due to our aging population. This lecture explored the importance of caries risk assessment and management, the relationship between recession and root decay, and how fluoride products can be used effectively in periodontal and implant maintenance.

Thanks to all of you who were able to join us! Here is the set of slides Penny presented:

May 2017
Mechanical Management of Biofilm; Are we at a Paradigm Shift? Penny Hatzimanolakis (UBC) presenting

This lecture addressed the following: The underworld of subgingival biofilm can be a formidable environment for clinicians. Traditionally, the battle against biofilm communities thriving subgingivally has been fought with a blend of hand and power-driven instruments. In the last few years in North America and for over 10 years in Europe, indications for the use of an air pressured mechanical biofilm disruption technology with use of low abrasive based powders for both supragingival (airflow) and subgingival (perioflow) biofilm has been developed. This evidence-informed review will explore the air-flow mechanism and its clinical application for biofilm management.

January 2017
Innovations is Perio Diagnosis – Chris Gibbs (Florida Probe) and Dr Tymkiw presenting

This lecture addressed: Periodontal disease is estimated to affect seven out of 10 Canadians. Early detection and treatment is crucial to patient oral health. And because periodontal disease does not necessarily present with pain or any other obvious symptoms, people rely on their dental professionals to identify issues early on. Hygienists play a key role in this, and treating periodontitis is a team effort between the family dentist, the hygienist and the periodontist. In this presentation, learn how to leverage your knowledge and experience together with the latest techniques in periodontal diagnosis to create a strong partnership and provide optimum care to your patients.

September 2016
Implant Maintenance: The Implant is Restored, Now What? Amy Kinnamon presenting

This lecture featured Amy Kinnamon, an RDH with over 20 years as a researcher and international speaker who is passionate about helping fellow hygienists advance their careers as key partners in healthcare. See the links below to access the handouts Amy provided to all participants.