Improve bone level and density
to prepare for a dental implant in your upper jaw

What Is A Sinus Augmentation?

A sinus augmentation, also commonly referred to as a “sinus lift”, is a surgical procedure that involves bone grafting and is recommended for patients who need to increase the amount and density of bone in their upper jaw (maxilla).  The goal of the procedure is to grow bone in the floor of the maxillary sinus above the alveolar ridge – the bony ridge of the gumline that anchors the teeth in the upper jaw.

Sinus augmentation surgery often is recommended when the patient wants to replace teeth with dental implants in the maxillary arch. Dental implants require a certain amount of bone height to support the base of the implant.

A sinus lift may be an appropriate oral surgery option for a patient who is:

  • Missing more than one tooth in the posterior maxilla;
  • Missing a large amount of bone in the posterior maxilla;
  • Missing teeth due a congenital (present at birth) defect or condition; or
  • Missing most of the maxillary teeth and need firm anchorage for multiple implants.

How is The Surgery Performed?

The specific technique that Dr. Tymkiw uses will vary depending on the patient and the outcomes desired. Typically the procedure is as follows:

Dr. Tymkiw will make an incision in your gum tissue on the cheek side of their upper jaw in the area where the implant will be placed. This allows for the gum tissue to be “flapped back” to expose  the jawbone that lies underneath.

The exposed bone is cut so that a “trap door” of bone (hinged at the top) is created. This movable section of bone is then pushed gently inward and upward into the sinus cavity. The sinus membrane, which is attached to this bone, move along with it and that is what creates the “lifting” of the sinus floor to a new, higher level.

The space underneath this lifted sinus membrane is then packed with bone-graft material and overtime this will provide enough new bone for a dental implant to be placed. Once the bone-graft material has been positioned the gum tissue is stitched closed.

Typically this area is allowed to heal for four to six month before the implant is placed. Specific healing periods depend on a number of factors including the type of bone graft material that was used. Sometimes an implant can be placed at the same time as the sinus lift. These options will be discussed with you as part of your overall treatment plan.

Refer to Post Surgical Instructions for aftercare recommendations.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.