We know that losing a tooth is traumatic,
we’ll help you plan and prepare for the best treatment for you

Socket Preservation and Extraction
The ultimate goal with periodontal therapy is to save existing teeth and/or replace missing teeth. There are time however, when teeth are no longer viable and they need to be removed. Removing (extracting) teeth is often necessary when there is pain, infection, bone loss caused by periodontal disease, and/or to facilitate restorative treatment.

The socket is the bone that holds the tooth in place. It is often damaged by disease or infection which can cause jaw deformity after the tooth is extracted. These jaw deformities often cause problems for restoring the tooth whether your treatment plan calls for an implant, bridge, denture or a gumline reshaping. Socket preservation is the periodontal procedure used to prevent and repair these jaw deformities so you can go ahead with the treatment you need.

There are several different techniques used for socket preservation. Dr. Tymkiw typically removes the tooth and socket and any associated deformity. This area is then filled with bone or bone substitute, it is often covered by a bio-compatible barrier, and treated with tissue-stimulating proteins that encourage your body to repair and regenerate the lost bone and tissue.

The bone is typically given three to four months to develop before restorative treatment such as an implant is completed. In some cases, temporary solutions are provided for aesthetic reasons as well as comfort and function. These options will be discussed with you before the procedure.

Refer to Post Surgical Instructions for aftercare recommendations.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.